Glass Ceilings and Sticky Floors: Shatter Limiting Beliefs - Redefine Success - Chase Big Dreams

Introducing Glass Ceilings and Sticky Floors

Erica Rooney

The "Glass Ceilings and Sticky Floors" is the empowering podcast dedicated to the modern woman navigating the complexities of today's world. 

This is where we tackle the paradoxes women face daily: being told to lean in but not too far, to speak up but not too loudly, and to balance the demanding roles of professional and motherhood with grace and strength.

Hosted by Erica Anderson Rooney, a seasoned HR executive with over 15 years of experience, this podcast is your go-to source for breaking through the 'sticky floors' – those limiting beliefs and toxic behaviors that keep you STUCK. 

Erica's mission is to empower you to shatter limiting beliefs and toxic behaviors to uncover infinite possibilities!  And her biggest life goal is to get more women into positions of power and KEEP THEM THERE.

We delve into the tough topics here: Imposter Syndrome, perfectionism, fear, and burnout, providing not just insights but actionable strategies to help you navigate these challenges. 

Erica’s personal journey and expertise, combined with stories from inspiring female guests, offer a wealth of wisdom on overcoming obstacles and seizing opportunities.

Each episode is packed with tactical tips, strategies for career advancement, and mindset shifts essential for taking bold leaps in your career and life. 

From uncovering corporate secrets to sharing real stories of women who have broken ceilings, the "Glass Ceilings and Sticky Floors" podcast is an invitation to join a community of ambitious women ready to take inspired action.

Welcome to "Glass Ceilings and Sticky Floors!" Let's embark on this journey together and transform our aspirations into achievements and go SHATTER SOME CEILINGS.

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Have you ever felt held back by doubts, fears and societal expectations? Do you struggle with self limiting beliefs that undermine your potential, picture this, despite having all the qualifications and expertise you find yourself stuck. Unable to climb the ladder of success, just because of unspoken rules and invisible barriers. Here's the deal as women, we are told to lean in, but not too far to speak up, but not too loudly. To be assertive, but not too much because then you're bossy. We're told to work. Like we don't have kids and be a mom. Like we don't have a job and y'all, we are tired. We are stuck. But what if I told you that you could shatter those barriers? What if you could overcome those beliefs and not just reach, but surpass your wildest dreams. My name is Erica Anderson Rooney, and this is the glass ceilings and sticky floor podcast. I'm a keynote speaker, author, and a C level executive. And I have spent over 15 years specializing in human resources and gender equality. I used to be constrained by my own limiting beliefs and toxic behaviors. I struggled with imposter syndrome, perfectionism that demanded the impossible and an attachment to booze. That almost cost me everything. My family, my marriage, my career, everything I'd worked so hard for. But now I'm leading the way in empowering women. And my goal is to help you do the same. You see, what I've learned is that breaking free requires more than just hard work. It requires a profound shift in how we perceive our own abilities and how we navigate, not just the professional spaces, but the world. After overcoming these challenges myself and helping others do the same for years. I've made it my mission to help you achieve breakthroughs in your personal and professional lives. On this podcast every week, we will be sharing insights from leading professionals, personal success stories, and actionable strategies through interviews and solo episodes by tuning in you'll learn how to identify and overcome your own sticky floors. Those limiting beliefs and toxic behaviors. You'll develop resilience and assertiveness so that ultimately you can unlock new career Heights, gain recognition and achieve your professional aspirations. Some episodes are going to be solo episodes, where I walk you through specific frameworks or teach you a certain lesson. Other times we're going to feature guests who have also shattered their glass ceilings so that they can share with you exactly how they did it. So if you're an ambitious woman looking to navigate and overcome the complexities of today's world, go ahead and subscribe to the glass ceilings and sticky floor podcast. Wherever you get your podcasts. And pretty soon you will be well on your way to smashing through any ceiling. And any goal and any height. That you've always aimed for.

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